Friday 12 October 2012

DiVA's New Marketing Apprentice- Selene Shaw

First things first, let me introduce myself to you all. I'm Selene Shaw DiVAs new Marketing Apprentice. (I still can't get use to saying that).  It's the 1st week of my new job and I must say I'm enjoying it. Before I begin talking about how much I love my new job let me start with how I got here.

I've always been a creative person but have never really known what I wanted to do career wise. Even though I studied creative subjects at GCSE, due to an unhealthy liking to CSI, I conjured up the idea that being a Forensic Scientist was the job for me. Don't get me wrong I love science but this was definitely not one of my greatest decisions. Anyhow, after 3 excruciating years studying A-Levels, I managed to achieve grades that would secure me a place at University.

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to get my firm offer and was accepted into Brunel University to study Media and Communications. I cannot explain to you how happy I was; after all those years studying subjects that I didn't want to do I was finally able to learn something I was interested in.

I didn't like my course.
Let me clarify, I absolutely loved University; it was an amazing experience but I just couldn't justify spending an obscene amount of money studying something I didn't enjoy. I had already gone through that with my A-Levels; so I made one of the scariest decisions of my life, and decided to leave University after my first year.

Instantly, I went into panic mode; no one will hire me without a degree! What am I going to do now? I'm going to spend the rest of my life flipping burgers! (Yes, I can be a bit of a drama queen).

After some INTENSE research, I discovered Apprenticeships. The idea of learning on the job seemed perfect for me, so I started applying. It took 5 months for me to hear back from anyone.  To be honest, when I got the phone call, I couldn't even remember which company it was I applied for, so after some strategic waffling, I found out it was DiVA inviting me to an interview with 20th Century Fox; who distribute films such as Prometheus.

I was overwhelmed; I said to myself:-
 "Yes, this is it? This is my big break!"
So I went shopping, bought a new blazer and did some major research about them. I was so ready for that interview.

I didn't get the job.

DiVA continued giving me advice, setting up interviews. I continued not getting the job.

When I saw that DiVA were offering a vacancy to work as a Marketing Apprentice within their offices, I jumped at the opportunity, and luckily for me, I was offered the job.

Here I am, 9 months later, finally doing something that suits me. We're a really small team  and a warm, friendly environment to work in. I this on Monday and spent the day updating Twitter and FaceBook via Hoot Suite; a social media programming tool I had never even heard of let alone used before. After a process of clicking buttons and hoping for the best I’ve managed to get the hang of it. I’ve also been uploading new jobs to the website, re-designing the new apprenticeship blog and attended a networking event at Channel 4 where I got to meet a fellow apprentices.

I'm looking forward to starting my Video Production modules because video is something I'm really interested in. Plus my office is based in Oxford Circus, which is somewhere I've always wanted to work (not because of the shops or anything, lol).

I will be regularly updating this blog letting you all know the adventures I get up to and what an apprenticeship is really like. You never know, if you like what you hear, it may be you filling out those applications soon.

Until next time...

Follow me on twitter - @SeleneShaw_Diva
FaceBook - Selene Shaw (Selene Diva)

For the latest apprenticeships visit our website 

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