Friday 26 April 2013

Goodbye April

Hello everyone, who's been enjoying the sunny weather? Let's hope it lasts.

I thought I would stop by and give you an update as April ends and May begins.

First things first, I had my week of college. This is my favourite part of my apprenticeship, I was really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I was struck down with the flu (again) and wasn't able to attend the whole week. Talk about bad timing right.

On a positive note, I managed to drag myself in for two days at least. The first day we were filming for my classmate Charlotte Williams in Camden. The brief was to get footage of really trendy and unique individuals as well as some quirky scenery that Camden is so well renown for. Besides from my sniffles and the rain we had a really good time. Once we got over our fear of rejection we got into it. It can be really daunting asking strangers if you can film them but we learnt not to take the 'No's' personally.

Shot from Lucozade Fun Filming
Shot from Lucozade Fun Filming
The next day of filming was for my group; we decided to film in the college, as being in the warmth seemed a lot more appealing. Our idea was trying to re-create a really fun dance similar to the Harlem Shake. We thought it would be cool to bring back an old dance that people could recognise but breath new life into it, so we decided to bring back the Limbo. With the help of my friends we were able to capture some really colourful and funny footage that I cannot wait to edit. When I finish it I'll be sure to show you guys, but in the mean time enjoy these images from the day.

In other news, I have another school fair coming up. Chelmsford College have invited me to their Apprenticeship Fair. I am really excited because it is solely aimed at apprenticeships; it will be really interesting to see what other apprenticeships are out there and to hear young peoples thoughts on apprenticeships as they become more popular. 

Lastly, Inclusion and the Association of Employment and Learning Providers are hosting a convention entirely focused on youth employment and I will be speaking on a panel, (click here for tickets). Being a young person exploring the employment options that are available to me, I am truly honoured to be speaking at this event amongst other eminent speakers such as Matthew Hancock, British Conservative Party Politician and Will Hutton, Former Editor-in-chief for The Observer. My session will be discussing Vocational Degrees, Higher Apprenticeships and Future Leaders all based around the question "What is the future for vocational qualifications?".

Well guys that's it for now :)

Follow me on twitter - @SeleneShaw_Diva 

For the latest apprenticeships visit our website

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